Enough with using music for ring tones already!

When I was playing with my Nokia 6670 setting up custom ring tones for my clients, family, and friends, I came up with a rather neat idea.

I could record myself saying "Amanuel, you have a client on the phone" and set that to my clients group. I did the same for all my other groups and had my phone say who was calling instead of playing some annoying melody.

In the end I had my wife be the voice in the recordings, as I like how she says my name better. ;-)

And when I was at a meeting people were baffled as to how my 'secretary' was able to talk to me. Some thought she was listening to us the whole time...they just could not figure it out.

Even after explaining the whole thing they still were not sure...

It was fun.

Here are some tips:

  • add a little extra silence at the end of the recording so it sounds more natural when the recording loops.


  • Find a voice that you like and will recognize in a room full of noise.


  • Set the ringing to be ascending in volume, it will give the effect that the person is repeating themselves cause they were not heard.


Add in the comments here if you have additional tips or experiences you would like to share.


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